
Looking back at the previous chapters, you probably noticed lines like these ones:

fn main() {
let mut publisher = connection
    .with_encoder(StringCodec) // allows you to exchange string messages between clients

let mut subscriber = connection
    .with_decoder(StringCodec) // use the same codec as the publisher

If you've not worked with data streaming before, codecs might seem like a very strange concept indeed. However the answer is quite simple. The term codecs is a portmanteau of encoder and decoder. Thus a codec is simply a structure that can encode frames of data on one side of a connection, and decode them on the other.

In the example above, we use StringCodec, which does exactly what it says on the tin - it encodes strings to bytes and then decodes those bytes back to strings.

Why do we need codecs?

We need codecs because at the network level, computers only support sending raw bytes. However most data we work with are not raw bytes - they're strings, integers, booleans, enumerators, structures etc. In order to abstract away the pain of converting these types to bytes and back again, we use a codec that knows how to do it for us.

Can I send more than just strings?

Yep! With the help of the serde crate, we support sending all manner of Rust types. In the example below, we use the BincodeCodec to send a stream of StockEvents.

You'll need to install serde with the derive feature to follow this example:

$ cargo add -F derive serde
use futures::SinkExt;
use selium::{prelude::*, std::codecs::BincodeCodec};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct StockEvent {
    ticker: String,
    change: f64,

impl StockEvent {
    pub fn new(ticker: &str, change: f64) -> Self {
        Self {
            ticker: ticker.to_owned(),

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let connection = selium::custom()

    let mut publisher = connection

    publisher.send(StockEvent::new("INTC", -9.0)).await?;


Can I build my own codec?

Yes, and you can use third party codecs like protocol buffers, SBE etc. We'll have a chapter on this coming soon.